Top Artists for Okay, Sounds Good Karaoke

# Artist Songs Views
1. La Dispute 6 6,854
2. Desaparecidos 2 76
3. AJJ 1 679
4. Bright Eyes 1 754
5. Cursive 1 198
6. Darlingside 1 79
7. Defiance Ohio 1 50
8. Defiance, Ohio 1 25
9. Gerard Way 1 100
10. Gord Downie 1 303
11. Kevin Devine 1 242
12. Merchant Ships 1 2,833
13. Oh, Susquehanna! 1 146
14. Sidney Gish 1 6,072
15. Songs: Ohia 1 1,689
16. Stella Donnelly 1 1,027
17. The Hotelier 1 2,141
18. The Innocence Mission 1 636
19. The Prettiots 1 127