Top Artists for SQ-KARAOKE

# Artist Songs Views
1. Guided By Voices 16 1,130
2. Sifl & Olly 7 224
3. Coil 3 226
4. Super Furry Animals 3 462
5. Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 3 170
6. William Doyle 3 32
7. Cardiacs 2 383
8. Macula Dog 2 76
9. Clarence Clarity 1 166
10. Eebrozgi & Eevamari 1 371
11. Frank Zappa 1 395
12. Half Japanese 1 20
13. Heavenly 1 475
14. MGMT 1 176
15. Mr. Bungle 1 93
16. New Vaders 1 28
17. Oxbow 1 34
18. The Dresden Dolls 1 567
19. The I.L.Y's 1 26
20. Underworld 1 180