U-Turn (Lili)
J'veux Un Mec (With Background Vocals)
Madame Rêve (With Background Vocals)
Allô Maman Bobo (With Background Vocals)
Derrière Les Mots
Foule Sentimentale (With Background Vocals)
Le Bagad De Lann-Bihoué (With Background Vocals)
Quand Je Serai K O
Quand Je Serai K.O.
Quand J'serai KO
Somerset Maugham (With Background Vocals)
Ultra Moderne Solitude
Y'a D'la Rumba Dans L'air (With Background Vocals)
Aux Âmes Citoyens (With Background Vocals)
Hyperactif (Voix Enfant)
La Maison Monde
La Maison Monde (With Background Vocals)
Les Amis
Monsieur Toulmonde
Vivement La Fin
Éteins La Lumière (With Background Vocals)
Dis-Moi (With Background Vocals)
L'effet Papillon (With Background Vocals)
Comme Une Voiture Volée (With Background Vocals)
Comment Est Ta Peine (With Background Vocals)
Les Joues Roses (With Background Vocals)
Melody Tempo Harmony
Noir Et Blanc (With Background Vocals)
On The Road Again (With Background Vocals)
Qui A Tué Davy Moore (With Background Vocals)
Stand The Ghetto
Stand The Ghetto (With Background Vocals)
Je Cours
1987 (With Background Vocals)
En Apesanteur (With Background Vocals)
Je Joue De La Musique (With Background Vocals)
Le Temps (Avec Rufus Wainwright)
On Se Sait Par Cœur (With Background Vocals)
Par Choix Ou Par Hasard (With Background Vocals)
Prendre Racine (With Background Vocals)
Vidéo (With Background Vocals)
Voler De Nuit (With Background Vocals)
X (With Background Vocals)
Yalla (With Background Vocals)
Keep On Dancing
Love You Like A Love Song
Please Please Please
Please, Please, Please (With Background Vocals)
Sirens Call
Sirens Calling (With Background Vocals)
Calling Me
Hello Alone
I Love Your Smile
In Your Hands
Kick The Bucket
Like A Hobo
American Boy
I Got You
On My Way
J'accuse (With Background Vocals)
Jeunesse Lève-Toi
Tous Les Gamins Du Monde
Tous Les Gamins Du Monde (With Background Vocals)
Bateaux-Mouches (2021) (With Background Vocals)
Love'n'tendresse (With Background Vocals)
Daniela (With Background Vocals)
Le Plastique, C'est Fantastique (With Background Vocals)
Duel Au Soleil (With Background Vocals)
Le Grand Sommeil (With Background Vocals)
Le Premier Jour (Du Reste De Ta Vie) (With Background Vocals)
Tombé Pour La France (With Background Vocals)
Mon Père Était Tellement De Gauche (With Background Vocals)
Cent Ans De Plus (With Background Vocals)
Dernière Chanson
Encore Et Encore (With Background Vocals)
Je T'aimais, Je T'aime Et Je T'aimerai (With Background Vocals)
La Cabane Du Pêcheur (With Background Vocals)
La Fille Qui M'accompagne (With Background Vocals)
L'arbre Va Tomber (With Background Vocals)
Le Monde Est Sourd
Petite Marie (With Background Vocals)
Quand J'aime Une Fois (With Background Vocals)
Sarbacane (With Background Vocals)
Un Morceau De Sicre (With Background Vocals)
Dis-Moi Encore Que Tu M'aimes
Help Myself (Nous Ne Faisons Que Passer)
Help Myself (With Background Vocals)
J'entends Des Voix (With Background Vocals)
Gare Au Gorille
La Femme D'hector
Éducation Nationale
Effets Secondaires
Mesdames (With Background Vocals)
Midi 20
Pas Essentiel (With Background Vocals)
Roméo Kiffe Juliette (With Background Vocals)
Come Back To Me
Tricky Game
Affaire Rimbaud
Alligators 427 (Vixi Tour Xvii)
En Remontant Le Fleuve
Karaganda (Camp 99)
La Vierge Au Dodge 51
Les Dingues Et Les Paumés (With Background Vocals)
Mathématiques Souterraines
Pulque, Mescal Y Tequila (Live Paris Zenith)
Sweet Amanite Phalloïde Queen
Just Need Your Love
Too Young
3 Nuits Par Semaine (With Background Vocals)
Dizzidence Politik
J'ai Demandé À La Lune (With Background Vocals)
Le Baiser (With Background Vocals)
Miss Paramount
Nos Célébrations (With Background Vocals)
Un Été Français (With Background Vocals)
You Spin Me 'Round (Like A Record)
Life Is Going Down
Mon Cœur (With Background Vocals)
Ce Qui Est Dit Doit Être Fait
Je Ne Peux Plus Dire Je T'aime (With Background Vocals)
La Croisade Des Enfants (With Background Vocals)
Poil Dans La Main
Américain (Long Is The Road)
Au Bout De Mes Rêves (With Background Vocals)
Confidentiel (With Background Vocals)
Elle A Fait Un Bébé Toute Seule (With Background Vocals)
Elle Attend (With Background Vocals)
Encore Un Matin (With Background Vocals)
Ensemble (With Background Vocals)
Entre Gris Clair Et Gris Foncé (Live) (With Background Vocals)
Envole-Moi (With Background Vocals)
Famille (With Background Vocals)
Il Suffira D'un Signe (With Background Vocals)
Il Y A (With Background Vocals)
Je Marche Seul (With Background Vocals)
Je Ne Vous Parlerai Pas D'elle (With Background Vocals)
Je Te Donne
Les Restou Coeur
Long Is The Road (Américain) (With Background Vocals)
Medley (With Background Vocals)
On Ira (With Background Vocals)
Puisque Tu Pars (Version Longue) (With Background Vocals)
Quand La Musique Est Bonne (With Background Vocals)
Si Tu M'emmènes (With Background Vocals)
Sister Jane
Juste Une Illusion (With Background Vocals)
Temps À Nouveau (With Background Vocals)
Chou Wasabi
Coco Câline (With Background Vocals)
Kiki (With Background Vocals)
Like A Virgin
Like A Virgin (Live)
Les Hommes Que J'aime (With Background Vocals)
Les Mots
Sur Les Chemins De La Bohème
Le Moribond (With Background Vocals)
Mon Amant De St Jean
Zobi La Mouche
Ding Ding Dong (Ringing At Your Bell)
Ding Ding Dong (Ringing At Your Bell) (With Background Vocals)
Marcia Baila (English)
Un Soir, Un Chien
Comme Dit Verlaine
Les Pavés
Poupée Russe (With Background Vocals)
Manu Chao (With Background Vocals)
Middle Of The Night
My Best
Prayer In C
Fatigante (With Background Vocals)
J't'emmène Au Vent (With Background Vocals)
Ton Invitation (With Background Vocals)
Hamburger Fields
Noche De Acción
Señor Matanza
Super Chango
Emma (With Background Vocals)
L'apologie (With Background Vocals)
Les Moutons (With Background Vocals)
Pop Muzic
Pop Muzik
Bouge De Là (With Background Vocals)
Nouveau Western (With Background Vocals)
R.M.I. (With Background Vocals)
Celui Qui Chante (With Background Vocals)
Chanter Pour Ceux Qui Sont Loin De Chez Eux (With Background Vocals)
La Groupie Du Pianiste (With Background Vocals)
La Minute De Silence (With Background Vocals)
Le Paradis Blanc (With Background Vocals)
Les Princes Des Villes (With Background Vocals)
Mademoiselle Chang (With Background Vocals)
Pour Me Comprendre (With Background Vocals)
Quelques Mots D'amour (With Background Vocals)
Vivre (With Background Vocals)
Y'a Pas De Honte (With Background Vocals)
Johnny Rep
Respire (With Background Vocals)
Long Live The (D)Evil
Je Dois M'en Aller (With Background Vocals)
L'amour À La Plage (With Background Vocals)
Soleil D'hiver (With Background Vocals)
Take My Hand
Tchiki Boum (With Background Vocals)
À L'envers, À L'endroit (With Background Vocals)
Aux Sombres Héros De L'amer (With Background Vocals)
Comme Elle Vient (With Background Vocals)
Ici Paris
Le Temps Des Cerises
L'homme Pressé (With Background Vocals)
La Femme Chocolat (With Background Vocals)
Le Sel (With Background Vocals)
Louxor, J'adore (Chœurs (2005))
When You Know
A Mi Manera
Adieu Haïti
Amor Mío
Aquarius (Hair)
Balada De La Trompeta
Caravane (With Background Vocals)
El Nino Del Tambor
Hablemos Del Amor
Hoy Mejor Que Mañana
Noche De Ronda
Que Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir
Y Fuimos Dos
La Lettre (With Background Vocals)
Les Voisines (With Background Vocals)
Monsieur Marcel(2006)
Dans Mon H L M
Dans Mon H.L.M. (With Background Vocals)
Dès Que Le Vent Soufflera (With Background Vocals)
Germaine (With Background Vocals)
It Is Not Because You Are
La Blanche
Les Aventures De Gérard Lambert
Les Charognards
Ma Chanson Leur A Pas Plu
Ma Gonzesse
Mon Beauf (With Background Vocals)
Société Tu M'auras Pas
Son Bleu
Triviale Poursuite
Le Mambo Du Décalco (With Background Vocals)
Le Youki (With Background Vocals)
Primitif (With Background Vocals)
Ah Les Salauds
Aux Armes Etc. (With Background Vocals)
Ce Mortel Ennui
La Javanaise (With Background Vocals)
L'ami Caouette (With Background Vocals)
Love On The Beat
Marilou Sous La Neige
Requiem Pour Un Con (With Background Vocals)
Soixante Neuf Année Érotique
Sorry Angel (With Background Vocals)
You're Under Arrest
I'm Picky
I'm Picky (Unplugged)
Kids In America
Let's Bang
My Name Is Stain
Palabra Mi Amor
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Wanna Get Free
Du Rhum, Des Femmes (With Background Vocals)
Lola (With Background Vocals)
Radio Song
Strong And Beautiful
Travel The World
Flipper (With Background Vocals)
Hygiaphone (With Background Vocals)
La Bombe Humaine (With Background Vocals)
New York Avec Toi (With Background Vocals)
Despair, Hangover And Ecstasy
On My Shoulders (Down 2 Half Steps)
Queen Dot Kong
Too Insistent
C'est Si Bon
La Vie En Rose
Diane De Poitiers
Le Bal Des Oiseaux
La Jument De Michao (With Background Vocals)
Les Prisons De Nantes (With Background Vocals)
Pelot D'hennebont (With Background Vocals)
Apocalypticodramatic (With Background Vocals)
Désolé Pour Hier Soir (With Background Vocals)
La Main Verte (With Background Vocals)
Ta Planète (With Background Vocals)
Toi Et Moi (With Background Vocals)
Be My Baby
Be My Baby (Without Backing Vocals)
Coupe Coupe (With Background Vocals)
I Love Paris
Joe Le Taxi (With Background Vocals)
Just As Long As You Are There
La La La Song
Le Tourbillon De La Vie
L'incendie (With Background Vocals)
Marilyn And John (With Background Vocals)
Natural High
Dans Un Vieux Rock'n Roll (With Background Vocals)
Le Carnet À Spirale (With Background Vocals)
Fade Away
Five Thousand Nights
More Than Meets The Eye
Sunday With A Flu
Talk To Me (Live)
Je Passais Par Hasard
Prendre La Route
Y'en A Qui
Adam Et Yves (With Background Vocals)
Après La Pluie
Aux Armes Citoyennes
Couleur (With Background Vocals)
Je Suis Un Homme (With Background Vocals)
J'étais Là (With Background Vocals)
Larsen (With Background Vocals)
Rodéo (With Background Vocals)
Rue De La Paix (With Background Vocals)
Speed (With Background Vocals)
Tous Des Anges (With Background Vocals)
Tout Le Monde (With Background Vocals)
Un Point C'est Toi (With Background Vocals)
Zen (With Background Vocals)
Le Bruit Et L'odeur
Tomber La Chemise (With Background Vocals)